How to create an RcsPySim environment
While Pyrado environments are quite easy to implement by inheriting from SimEnv or RealEnv, the environments compatible with Rcs require an implementation on the Python side as well as on the C++ side.
Part 0: Creating the XML specification
I assume you already have a config file and the assets describing your complete simulation environment. For information on how to create these Rcs-specific config files, you can either look at Rcs or at the other environments in PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/RcsPySim/config. Say you created a folder HelloMichael in that directory, containing at least an Rcs graph file called gHelloMichael.xml.
Part 1: RcsPySim
For implementing your environment in RcsPySim, it is recommended way to start is by inheriting from ExperimentConfig which can be found in PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/RcsPySim/src/cpp/core. The subclass, let’s call it ECHelloMichael, only needs a .cpp file. It is highly recommended to check out the existing ExperimentConfig files for inspiration. Here is a basic template:
#include "ExperimentConfig.h"
#include "action/THE_ACTION_MODEL_YOU_WANT.h"
#include "action/COULD_BE_MULTIPLE.h"
#include "initState/THE_INIT_SPACE_MODEL_YOU_WANT.h"
#include "observation/THE_OBSERVATION_MODEL_YOU_WANT.h"
#include "observation/COULD_BE_MULTIPLE.h"
#include "physics/PhysicsParameterManager.h"
#include "physics/PPD_PARAMETER_TO_RANDOMIZE.h"
#include "physics/COULD_BE_MULTIPLE.h"
#include "physics/ForceDisturber.h"
#include <Rcs_INCLUDES_YOU_NEED.h>
#include <RcsViewer.h>
#include <OTHER_LIBS>
namespace Rcs
class ECHelloMichael : public ExperimentConfig
virtual ActionModel* createActionModel() {
// TODO Create an action model.
virtual ObservationModel* createObservationModel(){
// TODO Create an observation model.
virtual void populatePhysicsParameters(PhysicsParameterManager* manager){
// TODO (OPTIONAL) Add domain parameters for randomization.
virtual InitStateSetter* createInitStateSetter(){
// TODO Create an initial state space model.
virtual ForceDisturber* createForceDisturber(){
// TODO (OPTIONAL) Create force a disturber that hinders your agent.
virtual void initViewer(Rcs::Viewer* viewer){
// TODO (OPTIONAL) Initialize the viewer.
std::vector<std::string>& linesOut,
double currentTime,
const MatNd* obs,
const MatNd* currentAction,
PhysicsBase* simulator,
PhysicsParameterManager* physicsManager,
ForceDisturber* forceDisturber) override{
// TODO (OPTIONAL) Set the text for the HUD of the viewer.
static ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECHelloMichael> RegHelloMichael("HelloMichael");
An important part of every simulation is the initial state. Therefore, we create an initial state setter in PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/RcsPySim/src/cpp/core/initState by inheriting from InitStateSetter. Simply start by copying one of the existing ISS<NAME>.h / ISS<NAME>.cpp pairs, and do the necessary changes, e.g. renaming the class, setting a custom initial state space, ect.
We also need to add our new experiment configuration to PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/RcsPySim/src/cpp/core/CMakeLists.txt
Part 2: Pyrado
You already made the more difficult part of the implementation. Next, we create the counterpart of ECHelloMichael in PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Pyrado/pyrado/environments/rcspysim/, by inheriting from RcsSim which can be found in PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Pyrado/pyrado/environments/rcspysim/ Here is a basic template:
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
import rcsenv
from init_args_serializer import Serializable
from pyrado.environments.rcspysim.base import RcsSim
from pyrado.tasks.base import Task
rcsenv.addResourcePath(osp.join(rcsenv.RCSPYSIM_CONFIG_PATH, "BottleFlip"))
class HelloMichaelSim(RcsSim, Serializable):
name: str = "hm"
def __init__(self, task_args: dict = None, max_dist_force: float = None, **kwargs):
Serializable._init(self, locals())
# TODO Forward basic arguments as well as custom arguments to RcsSim's constructor, which will then pass it to the ECHelloMichael.
task_args=dict() if task_args is None else task_args,
graphFileName=kwargs.pop("graphFileName", "gHelloMichael.xml"),
self._max_dist_force = max_dist_force
def _disturbance_generator(self) -> (np.ndarray, None):
# TODO (OPTIONAL) Generate 3-dim disturbance force. If not used, return `None`.
def get_nominal_domain_param(cls) -> dict:
# TODO Define `dict` with domain parameter names as keys and their parameter 1-dim values as value.
def _create_task(self, task_args: dict) -> Task:
# TODO Define a Pyrado Task. There are many possibilities here. In general, the tasks operate on `self.state`.
Inheriting from Serializable and calling Serializable._init(self, locals()) right at the beginning of the constructor is necessary in order to parallelize the rollouts during training later. The task_args are forwarded to the constructor of RcsSim, which is calling self._create_task(). The argument envType must match the name we passed to the C++ registry function above, since it selects which ExperimentConfig we are using. Furthermore, it is very important which graphFileName we are passing. It is good practice to only use one graph file per RcsSim child class, and rather create a new sibling class of HelloMichaelSim and make both inherit from an (abstract) base class HelloMichaelBaseSim which implements the common parts. The keyword arguments are forwarded to RcsSim and eventually to the C++ implementation. Examples for kwargs are checkJointLimits: bool or collisionConfig: dict, but there are many more which can also be custom to your environment. On the C++ side, these arguments can be retrieved from the member properties which exists for every ExperimentConfig. Two examples are properties->getPropertyBool() to pass a Boolean or properties->getChildList() to pass a python dictionary.
Part 3: Run it
Now it is time to build RcsPySim
conda activate pyrado
cd RcsPySim/build
The easiest way to inspect your simulation now is to create a simple script, let’s call it, in PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Pyrado/scripts/sandbox, which creates an instance of HelloMichaelSim and runs a idle policy sending zero actions all the time. In the following snippet, we chose the physics engine to be Bullet, the time step size as 0.01s and the overall time to 10s. Moreover, we are ignoring joint limits, and have no disturbance.
import rcsenv
from pyrado.environments.rcspysim.bottle_flip import BottleFlipSim
from pyrado.policies.special.dummy import IdlePolicy
from pyrado.sampling.rollout import rollout, after_rollout_query
from pyrado.utils.data_types import RenderMode
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set up environment
env = HelloMichaelSim(
# Set up policy
policy = IdlePolicy(env.spec)
# Simulate
done, param, state = False, None, None
while not done:
ro = rollout(
render_mode=RenderMode(text=False, video=True),
reset_kwargs=dict(domain_param=param, init_state=state),
done, state, param = after_rollout_query(env, policy, ro)
(optional) Part 4: Run it from C++
You can also test your environment and policy from C++. This is however a bit more intrigued and still experimental. First, we need to create an experiment description xml-file. One possible case is that you ran an experiment, i.e. trained a policy. Next you can go to script’s folder, activate the anaconda environment, and run the script
cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Pyrado/scripts/deployment
conda activate pyrado
This will create an ex_<CUSTOM>_export.xml as well as an file. If you want the your trained policy to be played back, you need to insert the line
<policy type="torch" file=""/>
into the experiment XML-file. However, this is optional. Actually, you don’t really need to run an experiment to use this export script. Feel free to change it, or generate the XML-file manually. The important lines in the export script ware are:
exp_export_file = osp.join(ex_dir, f"ex_{}_export.xml")
Next, you copy the ex_<CUSTOM>_export.xml file (and optionally the policy) to the RcsPySim/config/HelloMichael folder and run
cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/RcsPySim/build
bin/TestBot -dl 2 -dir ../config/HelloMichael -f ex_<CUSTOM>_export.xml`