- draw_categorical(plot_type: str, ax: Axes, data: Union[list, ndarray, Tensor, DataFrame], x_label: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], y_label: Optional[str], vline_level: Optional[float] = None, vline_label: str = 'approx. solved', palette=None, title: Optional[str] = None, show_legend: bool = True, legend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, plot_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None) Figure [source]
Create a box or violin plot for a list of data arrays or a pandas DataFrame. The plot is neither shown nor saved.
If you want to order the 4th element to the 2nd position in terms of colors use
palette.insert(1, palette.pop(3))
If you want to have a tight layout, it is best to pass axes of a figure with tight_layout=True or constrained_layout=True.
- Parameters:
plot_type – tye of categorical plot, pass box or violin
ax – axis of the figure to plot on
data – list of data sets to plot as separate boxes
x_label – labels for the categories on the x-axis, if data is not given as a DataFrame
y_label – label for the y-axis, pass None to set no label
vline_level – if not None (default) add a vertical line at the given level
vline_label – label for the vertical line
palette – seaborn color palette, pass None to use the default palette
show_legend – if True the legend is shown, useful when handling multiple subplots
title – title displayed above the figure, set to None to suppress the title
legend_kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to pyplot’s legend() function, e.g. loc=’best’
plot_kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to seaborn’s boxplot() or violinplot() function
- Returns:
handle to the resulting figure
- draw_curve(plot_type: str, ax: Axes, data: DataFrame, x_grid: Union[list, ndarray, Tensor], x_label: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, y_label: Optional[str] = None, curve_label: Optional[str] = None, area_label: Optional[str] = '', vline_level: Optional[float] = None, vline_label: str = 'approx. solved', title: Optional[str] = None, show_legend: bool = True, plot_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, legend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None) Figure [source]
Create a box or violin plot for a list of data arrays or a pandas DataFrame. The plot is neither shown nor saved.
If you want to have a tight layout, it is best to pass axes of a figure with tight_layout=True or constrained_layout=True.
If you want to order the 4th element to the 2nd position in terms of colors use .. code-block:: python
palette.insert(1, palette.pop(3))
- Parameters:
plot_type – tye of 1-dim plot: mean_std, min_mean_max, or ci_on_mean
ax – axis of the figure to plot on
data – pandas DataFrame containing the columns mean, std, min, and max depending on the plot_type
x_grid – values to plot the data over, e.g. time
x_label – labels for the categories on the x-axis, if data is not given as a DataFrame
y_label – label for the y-axis, pass None to set no label
curve_label – label of the (1-dim) curve, pass None for no label
area_label – label of the (transparent) area, pass None for no label and “” for the default label
vline_level – if not None (default) add a vertical line at the given level
vline_label – label for the vertical line
show_legend – if True the legend is shown, useful when handling multiple subplots
title – title displayed above the figure, set to None to suppress the title
plot_kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to the plotting` functions
legend_kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to pyplot’s legend() function, e.g. loc=’best’
- Returns:
handle to the resulting figure
- draw_curve_from_data(plot_type: str, ax: Axes, data: Union[list, ndarray, Tensor, DataFrame], x_grid: Union[list, ndarray, Tensor], ax_calc: int, x_label: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, y_label: Optional[str] = None, curve_label: Optional[str] = None, area_label: Optional[str] = '', vline_level: Optional[float] = None, vline_label: str = 'approx. solved', title: Optional[str] = None, show_legend: bool = True, cmp_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, plot_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, legend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None) Figure [source]
Create a box or violin plot for a list of data arrays or a pandas DataFrame. The plot is neither shown nor saved.
If you want to have a tight layout, it is best to pass axes of a figure with tight_layout=True or constrained_layout=True.
If you want to order the 4th element to the 2nd position in terms of colors use .. code-block:: python
palette.insert(1, palette.pop(3))
- Parameters:
plot_type – tye of 1-dim plot: mean_std, min_mean_max, or ci_on_mean
ax – axis of the figure to plot on
data – data to plot,me.g. a time series
x_grid – values to plot the data over, e.g. time
ax_calc – axis of the data array to calculate the mean, min and max, or std over
x_label – labels for the categories on the x-axis, if data is not given as a DataFrame
y_label – label for the y-axis, pass None to set no label
curve_label – label of the (1-dim) curve, pass None for no label
area_label – label of the (transparent) area, pass None for no label and “” for the default label
vline_level – if not None (default) add a vertical line at the given level
vline_label – label for the vertical line
show_legend – if True the legend is shown, useful when handling multiple subplots
title – title displayed above the figure, set to None to suppress the title
cmp_kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to functions computing the statistics of interest
plot_kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to the plotting` functions
legend_kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to pyplot’s legend() function, e.g. loc=’best’
- Returns:
handle to the resulting figure
- draw_dts(dts_policy: ndarray, dts_step: ndarray, dts_remainder: ndarray, y_top_lim: Optional[float] = None)[source]
Create a figure and draw the time intervals \(\Delta_t\) of various parts of one time step.
- Parameters:
dts_policy – time it took to compute the policy’s action
dts_step – time it took to perform the
dts_remainder – time it took to execute all remaining commands (e.g. soring the data)
y_top_lim – upper bound for the y-axis in ms, no limit by default
- draw_heatmap(data: ~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, ax_hm: ~typing.Optional[~matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes] = None, cmap: ~typing.Optional[~matplotlib.colors.Colormap] = None, norm: ~typing.Optional[~matplotlib.colors.Normalize] = <matplotlib.colors.Normalize object>, annotate: bool = True, annotation_valfmt: ~typing.Optional[str] = '{x:.0f}', add_cbar: bool = True, separate_cbar: bool = False, ax_cb: ~typing.Optional[~matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes] = None, cbar_label: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, cbar_orientation: ~typing.Optional[str] = 'vertical', use_index_labels: bool = False, x_label: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, y_label: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, fig_canvas_title: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, fig_size: ~typing.Optional[tuple] = (8, 6), tick_label_prec: ~typing.Optional[int] = 3, xtick_label_prec: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, ytick_label_prec: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, num_major_ticks_hm: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, num_major_ticks_cb: ~typing.Optional[int] = None) -> (<class 'matplotlib.figure.Figure'>, <class 'matplotlib.figure.Figure'>)[source]
Plot a 2D heat map from a 2D pandas.DataFrame using pyplot. The data frame should have exactly one column index level and one row index level. These will automatically become the axis ticks. It is assumed that the data is equally spaced.
If you want to have a tight layout, it is best to pass axes of a figure with tight_layout=True or constrained_layout=True.
- Parameters:
data – 2D pandas DataFrame
ax_hm – axis to draw the heat map onto, if None a new figure is created
cmap – colormap passed to imshow()
norm – colormap normalizer passed to imshow()
annotate – select if the heat map should be annotated
annotation_valfmt – format of the annotations inside the heat map, irrelevant if annotate = False
add_cbar – if True, add a color bar in the same figure
separate_cbar – if True, the color bar is added in a seperate figure
ax_cb – axis to draw the color bar onto, if None a new figure is created
cbar_label – label for the color bar
cbar_orientation – orientation of the color bar
use_index_labels – flag if index names from the pandas DataFrame are used as labels for the x- and y-axis. This can can be overridden by x_label and y_label
x_label – label for the x axis
y_label – label for the y axis
fig_canvas_title – window title for the heat map plot, no title by default
fig_size – width and height of the figure in inches
tick_label_prec – floating point precision of the x- and y-axis labels This can be overwritten xtick_label_prec and ytick_label_prec
xtick_label_prec – floating point precision of the x-axis labels, set None for default behavior
ytick_label_prec – floating point precision of the y-axis labels, set None for default behavior
num_major_ticks_hm – number of major axis ticks for the heat map, set None for default behavior
num_major_ticks_cb – number of major axis ticks for the color bar, set None for default behavior
- Returns:
handles to the heat map and the color bar figures (None if not existent)
- class LiveFigureManager(file_path: str, data_loader: Callable[[str], Any], args, update_interval: int = 3)[source]
Manages multiple matplotlib figures and refreshes them when the input file changes. It also ensures that if you close a figure, it does not reappear on the next update. If all figures are closed, the update loop is stopped.
- Parameters:
file_path – name of file to load updates from
data_loader – called to load the file contents into some internal representation like a pandas DataFrame
args – parsed command line arguments
update_interval – time to wait between figure updates [s]
- figure(title: Optional[str] = None)[source]
Decorator to define a figure update function. Every marked function will be called when the file changes to visualize the updated data.
- Usage:
@lfm.figure('A figure') def a_figure(fig, data, args): ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(data[...])
- Parameters:
title – figure title
- Returns:
decorator for the plotting function
- draw_policy_params(policy: Policy, env_spec: EnvSpec, cmap_name: str = 'RdBu', ax_hm: Optional[Axes] = None, annotate: bool = True, annotation_valfmt: str = '{x:.2f}', cbar_label: str = '', x_label: Optional[str] = None, y_label: Optional[str] = None) Figure [source]
Plot the weights and biases as images, and a color bar.
If you want to have a tight layout, it is best to pass axes of a figure with tight_layout=True or constrained_layout=True.
- Parameters:
policy – policy to visualize
env_spec – environment specification
cmap_name – name of the color map, e.g. ‘inferno’, ‘RdBu’, or ‘viridis’
ax_hm – axis to draw the heat map onto, if equal to None a new figure is opened
annotate – select if the heat map should be annotated
annotation_valfmt – format of the annotations inside the heat map, irrelevant if annotate = False
cbar_label – label for the color bar
x_label – label for the x axis
y_label – label for the y axis
- Returns:
handles to figures
- plot_actions(ro: StepSequence, env: Env)[source]
Plot all action trajectories of the given rollout.
- Parameters:
ro – input rollout
env – environment (used for getting the clipped action values)
- plot_features(ro: StepSequence, policy: Policy)[source]
Plot all features given the policy and the observation trajectories.
- Parameters:
policy – linear policy used during the rollout
ro – input rollout
- plot_mean_std_across_rollouts(rollouts: Sequence[StepSequence], idcs_obs: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, idcs_act: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, show_applied_actions: bool = True)[source]
Plot the mean and standard deviation across a selection of rollouts.
- Parameters:
rollouts – list of rollouts, they can be of unequal length but are assumed to be from the same type of env
idcs_obs – indices of the observations to process and plot, pass None to select all
idcs_act – indices of the actions to process and plot, pass None to select all
show_applied_actions – if True show the actions applied to the environment insead of the commanded ones
- plot_observations(ro: StepSequence, idcs_sel: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None)[source]
Plot all observation trajectories of the given rollout.
- Parameters:
ro – input rollout
idcs_sel – indices of the selected selected observations, if None plot all
- plot_observations_actions_rewards(ro: StepSequence)[source]
Plot all observation, action, and reward trajectories of the given rollout.
- Parameters:
ro – input rollout
- plot_potentials(ro: StepSequence, layout: str = 'joint')[source]
Plot the trajectories specific to a potential-based policy.
- Parameters:
ro – input rollout
layout – group jointly (default), or create a separate sub-figure for each plot
- plot_rewards(ro: StepSequence)[source]
Plot the reward trajectories of the given rollout.
- Parameters:
ro – input rollout
- plot_rollouts_segment_wise(plot_type: str, segments_ground_truth: List[List[StepSequence]], segments_multiple_envs: List[List[List[StepSequence]]], segments_nominal: List[List[StepSequence]], use_rec_str: bool, idx_iter: int, idx_round: int, state_labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, act_labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, x_limits: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, plot_act: bool = False, data_field: str = 'states', cmap_samples: Optional[Colormap] = None, save_dir: Optional[PathLike] = None, file_format: Iterable[str] = ('pdf', 'pgf', 'png')) List[Figure] [source]
Plot the different rollouts in separate figures and the different state dimensions along the columns.
- Parameters:
plot_type – type of plot, pass “samples” to plot the rollouts of the most likely domain parameters as individual lines, or pass “confidence” to plot the most likely one, and the mean \(\pm\) 1 std
segments_ground_truth – list of lists containing rollout segments from the ground truth environment
segments_multiple_envs – list of lists of lists containing rollout segments from different environment instances, e.g. samples from a posterior coming from NDPR
segments_nominal – list of lists containing rollout segments from the nominal environment
use_rec_str – True if pre-recorded actions have been used to generate the rollouts
idx_iter – selected iteration
idx_round – selected round
state_labels – y-axes labels to for the state trajectories, no label by default
act_labels – y-axes labels to for the action trajectories, no label by default
x_limits – tuple containing the lower and upper limits for the x-axis
plot_act – if True, also plot the actions
data_field – data field of the rollout, e.g. “states” or “observations”
cmap_samples – color map for the trajectories resulting from different domain parameter samples
save_dir – if not None create a subfolder plots in save_dir and save the plots in there
file_format – select the file format to store the plots
- Returns:
list of handles to the created figures
- plot_states(ro: StepSequence, idcs_sel: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None)[source]
Plot all state trajectories of the given rollout.
- Parameters:
ro – input rollout
idcs_sel – indices of the selected selected states, if None plot all
- plot_statistic_across_rollouts(rollouts: Sequence[StepSequence], stat_fcn: callable, stat_fcn_kwargs=None, obs_idcs: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, act_idcs: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None)[source]
Plot one statistic of interest (e.g. mean) across a list of rollouts.
- Parameters:
rollouts – list of rollouts, they can be of unequal length but are assumed to be from the same type of env
stat_fcn – function to calculate the statistic of interest (e.g. np.mean)
stat_fcn_kwargs – keyword arguments for the stat_fcn (e.g. {‘axis’: 0})
obs_idcs – indices of the observations to process and plot, pass None to select all
act_idcs – indices of the actions to process and plot, pass None to select all
- draw_surface(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, z_fcn: Union[Callable[[ndarray], ndarray], Module], x_label: str, y_label: str, z_label: str, data_format='numpy', fig: Optional[Figure] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, plot_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None) Figure [source]
Render a 3-dim surface plot by providing a 1-dim array of x and y points and a function to calculate the z values.
If you want to have a tight layout, it is best to pass axes of a figure with tight_layout=True or constrained_layout=True.
- Parameters:
x – x-axis 1-dim grid for constructing the 2-dim mesh grid
y – y-axis 1-dim grid for constructing the 2-dim mesh grid
z_fcn – function that defines the surface, takes a 2-dim vector as input
x_label – label for the x-axis
y_label – label for the y-axis
z_label – label for the z-axis
data_format – data format, ‘numpy’ or ‘torch’
fig – handle to figure, pass None to create a new figure
title – title displayed above the figure, set to None to suppress the title
plot_kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to pyplot’s plot_surface() function
- Returns:
handle to figure
- class AccNorm(vmin=None, vmax=None, clip=False)[source]
Accumulative normalizer which is useful to have one colormap consistent for multiple images. Adding new data will expand the limits.
- vmin, vmaxfloat or None
If vmin and/or vmax is not given, they are initialized from the minimum and maximum value, respectively, of the first input processed; i.e.,
.- clipbool, default: False
values falling outside the range[vmin, vmax]
, are mapped to 0 or 1, whichever is closer, and masked values are set to 1. IfFalse
masked values remain masked.Clipping silently defeats the purpose of setting the over, under, and masked colors in a colormap, so it is likely to lead to surprises; therefore the default is
Returns 0 if
vmin == vmax
- draw_sep_cbar(ax_cb: ~typing.Optional[~matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes] = None, cbar_label: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, cbar_orientation: ~typing.Optional[str] = 'vertical', fig_size: ~typing.Optional[tuple] = (8, 6), cmap: ~typing.Optional[~matplotlib.colors.Colormap] = None, norm: ~typing.Optional[~matplotlib.colors.Normalize] = <matplotlib.colors.Normalize object>, num_major_ticks_cb: ~typing.Optional[int] = None)[source]
Add a separate figure with a color bar.
- Parameters:
ax_cb – axis to draw the color bar onto, if None a new figure is created
cbar_label – label for the color bar, if None no label is printed
cbar_orientation – orientation to ColorbarBase (vertical of horizontal)
fig_size – width and height of the figure in inches
cmap – colormap passed to ColorbarBase
norm – colormap normalizer passed to ColorbarBase
num_major_ticks_cb – number of major axis ticks for the color bar, set None for default behavior
- Returns:
handle color bar figure
- max_prime_factor(n: int) int [source]
Get the largest prime number that is a factor of the given number
See also
- Parameters:
n – given number \(n\)
- Returns:
largest prime number \(p\) such that \(p \cdot x = n\)
- most_square_product(n: int) Tuple[int, int] [source]
Heuristic to get two square-like integers that when multiplied yield the input
- Parameters:
n – given number \(n\)
- Returns:
lower and higher integer
- num_rows_cols_from_length(n: int, transposed: bool = False) Tuple[int, int] [source]
Use a heuristic to get the number of rows and columns for a plotting grid, given the total number of plots to draw.
- Parameters:
n – total number of plots to draw
transposed – change number of rows and number of columns
- Returns:
number of rows and columns
Module contents
- set_style(style_name: str = 'default')[source]
Sets colors, fonts, font sizes, bounding boxes, and more for plots using pyplot.
The font sizes of the predefined styles will be overwritten!
See also
- Parameters:
style_name – str containing the matplotlib style name, or ‘default’ for the Pyrado default style