

class MockArgs(dir, policy_name, vfcn_name)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of MockArgs(dir, policy_name, vfcn_name)

property dir

Alias for field number 0

property policy_name

Alias for field number 1

property vfcn_name

Alias for field number 2

get_argparser() ArgumentParser[source]

Return Pyrado’s default argument parser.


Only tested for 1-dim inputs.

class RunningExpDecayingAverage(alpha: float)[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of an exponentially decaying average estimator



alpha – decay factor

reset(alpha: Optional[float] = None)[source]

Reset internal variables.

class RunningMemoryAverage(capacity: int)[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of an estimator that computes the average for a memorized buffer



capacity – memory size

property memory: [<class 'numpy.ndarray'>, <class 'torch.Tensor'>, None]
reset(capacity: Optional[float] = None)[source]

Reset internal variables.


class BijectiveTransformation[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class for bijective transformations to be used for e.g. transforming the domain parameter space of an env.

These transformations are useful for avoiding infeasible values such as negative masses. The reasoning behind this is that some learning methods work on the set of real numbers, thus we make them learn in the transformed space, here the log-space, without telling them.

abstract ensures_non_negativity() bool[source]

Whether this transformations ensures non-negativity, i.e., whether inverse() only returns non-negative values.

abstract forward(value: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor]) Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor][source]

Map a value from the space to the transformed space.


value – value in the original space


value in the transformed space

abstract inverse(value: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor]) Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor][source]

Map a value from the transformed space to the actual space.


value – value in the transformed space


value in the original space

class IdentityTransformation[source]

Bases: BijectiveTransformation

Transformation that does nothing.

ensures_non_negativity() bool[source]

Whether this transformations ensures non-negativity, i.e., whether inverse() only returns non-negative values.

forward(value: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor]) Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor][source]

Map a value from the space to the transformed space.


value – value in the original space


value in the transformed space

inverse(value: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor]) Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor][source]

Map a value from the transformed space to the actual space.


value – value in the transformed space


value in the original space

class LogTransformation[source]

Bases: BijectiveTransformation

Transformation to make the values look like they are in log-space.

ensures_non_negativity() bool[source]

Whether this transformations ensures non-negativity, i.e., whether inverse() only returns non-negative values.

forward(value: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor]) Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor][source]

Map a value from the space to the transformed space.


value – value in the original space


value in the transformed space

inverse(value: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor]) Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor][source]

Map a value from the transformed space to the actual space.


value – value in the transformed space


value in the original space

class SqrtTransformation[source]

Bases: BijectiveTransformation

Transformation to make the values look like they are in sqrt-space. This is not actually bijective!

ensures_non_negativity() bool[source]

Whether this transformations ensures non-negativity, i.e., whether inverse() only returns non-negative values.

forward(value: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor]) Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor][source]

Map a value from the space to the transformed space.


value – value in the original space


value in the transformed space

inverse(value: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor]) Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor][source]

Map a value from the transformed space to the actual space.


value – value in the transformed space


value in the original space


check_all_equal(iterable) bool[source]

Check if all elements of an iterable are equal.


iterable – iterable to check


bool saying if all elements are equal

check_all_lengths_equal(iterable) bool[source]

Check if the length of all elements of an iterable are equal.


iterable – iterable to check


bool saying if all elements are equal

check_all_shapes_equal(iterable) bool[source]

Check if the shape of all elements of an iterable are equal.


iterable – iterable to check


bool saying if all elements are equal

check_all_types_equal(iterable) bool[source]

Check if all elements of an iterable are if the same type.


iterable – iterable to check


bool saying if all elements are of equal type

is_iterable(obj) bool[source]

Check if the input is iterable by trying to create an iterator from the input.


obj – any object


True if input is iterable, else False

is_iterator(obj) bool[source]

Check if the input is an iterator by trying to call next() on it.


obj – any object


True if input is an iterator, else False

is_sequence(obj) bool[source]

Check if the input is a sequence.


Checking if obj is an instance of collections.Sequence will return the wrong result for objects that implement the sequence protocol but do not inherit from collections.Sequence


obj – any object


True if input is iterable, else False


Only tested for 1-dim inputs, e.g. time series of rewards.

class MinMaxScaler(bound_lo: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor], bound_up: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor])[source]

Bases: object

A stateful min-max scaler that remembers the lower and upper bound for later un-unscaling


  • bound_lo – lower bound for the transformed data

  • bound_up – upper bound for the transformed data

scale_back(data: Union[ndarray, Tensor]) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Rescale the input data back to its original value range


data – input ndarray or Tensor scaled to be in \([a, b]\)


unscaled ndarray or Tensor

scale_to(data: Union[ndarray, Tensor]) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Transform the input data to be in \([a, b]\), where \(a\) and \(b\) are defined during construction.


data – unscaled input ndarray or Tensor


ndarray or Tensor scaled to be in \([a, b]\)

class RunningNormalizer[source]

Bases: object

Normalizes given data based on the history of observed data, such that all outputs are in range [-1, 1]



Reset internal variables.

class RunningStandardizer[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of Welford’s online algorithm



Reset internal variables.

class Standardizer[source]

Bases: object

A stateful standardizer that remembers the mean and standard deviation for later un-standardization

standardize(data: Union[ndarray, Tensor], eps: float = 1e-08) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Standardize the input data to make it \(~ N(0, 1)\) and store the input’s mean and standard deviation.

  • data – input ndarray or Tensor

  • eps – factor for numerical stability


standardized ndarray or Tensor

unstandardize(data: Union[ndarray, Tensor]) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Revert the previous standardization of the input data to make it \(~ N(\mu, \sigma)\).


data – input ndarray or Tensor


un-standardized ndarray or Tensor

correct_atleast_2d(x: Union[ndarray, Tensor]) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Compensate for numpy’s or PyTorch’s atleast_2d() in case the input was 1-dimensional.


x – input


potentially transposed input

normalize(x: Union[ndarray, Tensor], axis: int = -1, order: int = 1, eps: float = 1e-08) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Normalize a numpy array or a PyTroch Tensor without changing the input. Choosing axis=1 and norm_order=1 makes all columns of sum to 1.

  • x – input to normalize

  • axis – axis of the array to normalize along

  • order – order of the norm (e.g., L1 norm: absolute values, L2 norm: quadratic values)

  • eps – lower bound on the norm, to avoid division by zero


normalized array

scale_min_max(data: Union[ndarray, Tensor], bound_lo: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor], bound_up: Union[int, float, ndarray, Tensor]) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Transform the input data to to be in \([a, b]\).

  • data – unscaled input ndarray or Tensor

  • bound_lo – lower bound for the transformed data

  • bound_up – upper bound for the transformed data


ndarray or Tensor scaled to be in \([a, b]\)

standardize(data: Union[ndarray, Tensor], eps: float = 1e-08) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Standardize the input data to make it \(~ N(0, 1)\).

  • data – input ndarray or Tensor

  • eps – factor for numerical stability


standardized ndarray or Tensor


class TimeSeriesDataSet(data: Tensor, window_size: int, ratio_train: float, standardize_data: bool = False, scale_min_max_data: bool = False, name: str = 'UnnamedDataSet')[source]

Bases: Dataset

Class for storing time series data sets


  • data – complete raw data set, where the samples are along the first dimension

  • window_size – length of the sequences fed to the policy for predicting the next value

  • ratio_train – ratio of the training samples w.r.t. the total sample count

  • standardize_data – if True, the data is standardized to be \(~ N(0,1)\)

  • scale_min_max_data – if True, the data is scaled to \(\in [-1, 1]\)

  • name – descriptive name for the data set

static cut_to_window_size(data: Tensor, ws: int) Tensor[source]

Cut off samples such that all training sequences have length window_size.

  • data – input data set with samples along the first dimension

  • ws – input window length as used for learning


data of proper length

property dim_data: int

Get the data’s number of dimensions.

property num_samples_trn: int

Get the number of samples in the training subset.

property num_samples_tst: int

Get the number of samples in the testing subset.

property ratio_train: float

Get the ratio of the training samples w.r.t. the total sample count.

property window_size: int

Get the length of the sequences fed to the policy for predicting the next value.

create_sequences(data: Tensor, len_seq: int) List[Tuple][source]

Create input sequences with associated target values from data. The targets are the next data point after an input sequence of given length.

  • data – data to be split into inputs and targets

  • len_seq – length of the input sequences


list of tuples with inout and target data pairs

create_shuffled_sequences(data: Tensor, len_seq: int) List[Tuple][source]

Create input sequences with associated target values from data using create_sequences(), and shuffle the order of the sequences afterwards.

  • data – data to be split into inputs and targets

  • len_seq – length of the input sequences


list of randomly ordered tuples with inout and target data pairs


class DSSpec(function: str, goal: Union[ndarray, float, int], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: dict

The specification of a dynamical system implemented in RcsPySim and used in combination with ADN We are directly subclassing dict beacuse PropertySource in RcsPySim extracts information from dicts.


  • function – name of the dynamics function, e.g. linear, msd, or msd_nlin

  • goal – desired state, e.g. a task space position or velocity

  • kwargs – additional attributes set by subclasses

class EnvSpec(obs_space: ~pyrado.spaces.base.Space, act_space: ~pyrado.spaces.base.Space, state_space: ~pyrado.spaces.base.Space = <pyrado.spaces.empty.EmptySpace object>)[source]

Bases: tuple

The specification of an environment’s input and output space

Create new instance of EnvSpec(obs_space, act_space, state_space)

property act_space

Alias for field number 1

property obs_space

Alias for field number 0

property state_space

Alias for field number 2

class LinDSSpec(function: str, goal: Union[ndarray, float, int], errorDynamics: Union[ndarray, float, int])[source]

Bases: DSSpec

The specification of a linear first order dynamical system implemented in RcsPySim. The dynamics are defined as \(\dot{x} = A (x_{des} - x_{curr})\) with the error dynamics matrix \(A\). Example: LinDSSpec(function=’lin’, goal=np.array([-1., 2.]), errorDynamics=np.eye(2))


  • function – name of the dynamics function, e.g. msd, or msd_nlin

  • goal – desired state, e.g. a task space position or velocity

  • errorDynamics – a matrix determining the dynamics or the error difference between

class MSDDSSpec(function: str, goal: Union[ndarray, float, int], attractorStiffness: Union[float, int], damping: Union[float, int], mass: Union[float, int] = 1.0)[source]

Bases: DSSpec

The specification of a second order dynamical system i.e. a linear or nonlinear mass spring damper system implemented in RcsPySim. Example: MSDDSSpec(function=’msd_nlin’, goal=np.array([-1., 2.]), attractorStiffness=50., damping=10., mass=1.)


  • function – name of the dynamics function, e.g. msd, or msd_nlin

  • goal – desired state, e.g. a task space position or velocity

  • attractorStiffness – spring stiffness parameter of the dynamical system

  • damping – damping parameter of the dynamical system

  • mass – mass parameter of the dynamical system

class RenderMode(text: bool = False, video: bool = False, render: bool = False)[source]

Bases: tuple

The specification of a render mode, do not print or render anything by default

Create new instance of RenderMode(text, video, render)

property render

Alias for field number 2

property text

Alias for field number 0

property video

Alias for field number 1

class TimeSeriesDataPair(inp_seq: Tensor, targ: Tensor)[source]

Bases: tuple

Pair of an input sequence and an associated target value for training time series prediction.

Create new instance of TimeSeriesDataPair(inp_seq, targ)

property inp_seq

Alias for field number 0

property targ

Alias for field number 1

dict_arraylike_to_float(d: dict)[source]

Convert every scalar array-like entry the provided dict to to a float. This function is useful when the metrics (e.g., calculated with numpy) should be saved in a YAML-file.


d – input dict with 1-element arrays

Return d:

output dict with float entries where conversion was possible

dict_path_access(d: dict, path: str, default: Optional[T] = None, default_for_last_layer_only: bool = False) T[source]

Gets a dict entry using a jq-like naming system. To get the entry foo from the topmost dictionary, use the path foo. To access an entry baz in a dictionary that is stored in the top dictionary under the key bar, use the path bar.baz.

  • d – the dictionary

  • path – the path

  • default – if no entry corresponding to the key was found, this value is returned

  • default_for_last_layer_only – if True, only return the default value if the entry was not found in the last dictionary, but the previous dictionaries where found (e.g. for bar.baz, d[‘bar’] exists, but d[‘bar’][‘baz’] does not; if those where not found, an error is raised; if False, also return the default value of non-existent dictionaries along the path


the entry, if found; if any part of the path except for the last does not exist, and default_for_last_layer_only is True, an error is raised; in all other cases, the default value is returned

fill_list_of_arrays(loa: Sequence[ndarray], des_len: int, fill_ele=nan) Sequence[ndarray][source]

Fill a list of arrays with potential unequal length (first axis) will provided elements.

  • loa – list of ndarrays

  • des_len – desired length of the resulting arrays

  • fill_ele – element to fill the arrays with


list of ndarrays with equal length

merge_dicts(dicts: Sequence[dict]) dict[source]

Marge a list of dicts in to one dict. The resulting dict can have different value types, but the dicts later in the list override earlier ones.


dicts – input dicts


merged dict

merge_dicts_same_dtype(dicts: ~typing.Sequence[dict], dtype=<class 'set'>) dict[source]

Marge a list of dicts in to one dict. The resulting dict has only one value type for all entries, but the dicts do not override each other.

  • dicts – input dicts

  • dtype – data type for constructing the default dict


merged dict

repeat_interleave(sequence: Union[list, tuple], num_reps) Union[list, tuple][source]

Repeat every element of the input sequence, but keep the order of the elements.

  • sequence – input list or tuple

  • num_reps – number of repetitions


list or tuple with repeated elements

update_matching_keys_recursively(base_dict: dict, update_dict: dict)[source]

Update a dictionary inplace with several levels of sub dictionaries with the matching entries of another dictionary.

  • base_dict – dictionary to update

  • update_dict – dictionary used for the update


updated base_dict


exception BaseErr[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions in Pyrado

static retrieve_var_name(var, stack_level: Optional[int] = 2) str[source]

Get the name of the given variable by searching through the locals and globals.

  • var – variable to look for

  • stack_level – number of frames to go up. 1 is the caller, 2 (default) is the caller’s caller.


name of the first matching variable

exception KeyErr(*, keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, container=None, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: BaseErr

Class for exceptions raised asking for a keys in an object that does not exist


  • keys – key(s) that caused the error

  • container – object that should have the key

  • msg – offers possibility to override the error message

exception PathErr(*, given: str = '__INVALID__', msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: BaseErr

Class for exceptions raised by passing wrong paths to folders or files


  • given – input which caused the error

  • msg – offers possibility to override the error message

exception ShapeErr(*, given='__INVALID__', given_name: Optional[str] = None, expected_match=None, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: BaseErr

Class for exceptions raised by passing wrong values


  • given – input which caused the error

  • expected_match – object which’s shape is the one the input should have

  • given_name – explicitly pass the name of the variable for the error message

  • msg – offers possibility to override the error message

static get_shape_and_name(obj, var)[source]
exception TypeErr(*, given='__INVALID__', given_name: Optional[str] = None, expected_type: Optional[Union[type, list, tuple]] = None, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: BaseErr

Class for exceptions raised by passing wrong data types


  • given – input which caused the error

  • given_name – explicitly pass the name of the variable for the error message

  • expected_type – type or types that should have been passed

  • msg – offers possibility to override the error message

exception ValueErr(*, given='__INVALID__', given_name: Optional[str] = None, eq_constraint=None, l_constraint=None, le_constraint=None, g_constraint=None, ge_constraint=None, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: BaseErr

Class for exceptions raised by passing wrong values


  • given – input which caused the error

  • given_name – explicitly pass the name of the variable for the error message

  • eq_constraint – violated equality constraint

  • l_constraint – violated less than constraint

  • le_constraint – violated less or equal than constraint

  • g_constraint – violated greater than constraint

  • ge_constraint – violated greater or equal than constraint

  • msg – offers possibility to override the error message


cpp_export(save_dir: PathLike, policy: Policy, env: Optional[SimEnv] = None, policy_export_name: str = 'policy_export', write_policy_node: bool = True, policy_node_name: str = 'policy')[source]

Convenience function to export the policy using PyTorch’s scripting or tracing, and the experiment’s XML configuration if the environment from RcsPySim.

  • save_dir – directory to save in

  • policy – (trained) policy

  • env – environment the policy was trained in

  • policy_export_name – name of the exported policy file without the file type ending

  • write_policy_node – if True, write the PyTorch-based control policy into the experiment’s XML configuration. This requires the experiment’s XML configuration to be exported beforehand.

  • policy_node_name – name of the control policies node in the XML file, e.g. ‘policy’ or ‘preStrikePolicy’

fcn_from_str(name: str) Callable[source]

Get the matching function. This method is a workaround / utility tool to intended to work with optuna. Since we can not pass functions directly, we pass a sting.


name – name of the function


the function

load_experiment(ex_dir: str, args: Optional[Any] = None) Tuple[Optional[Union[SimEnv, EnvWrapper]], Optional[Policy], Optional[dict]][source]

Load the (training) environment and the policy. This helper function first tries to read the hyper-parameters yaml-file in the experiment’s directory to infer why entities should be loaded. If no file was found, we fall back to some heuristic and hope for the best.

  • ex_dir – experiment’s parent directory

  • args – arguments from the argument parser, pass None to fall back to the values from the default argparser


environment, policy, and (optional) algorithm-specific output, e.g. value function

load_rollouts_from_dir(ex_dir: str, key: Optional[str] = 'rollout', file_exts: Tuple[str] = ('pt', 'pkl')) Tuple[List[StepSequence], List[str]][source]

Crawl through the given directory, sort the files, and load all rollouts, i.e. all files that include the key.

  • ex_dir – directory, e.g. and experiment folder

  • key – word or part of a word that needs to the in the name of a file for it to be loaded

  • file_exts – file extensions to be considered for loading


list of loaded rollouts, and list of file names without extension

read_csv_w_replace(path: str) DataFrame[source]

Custom function to read a CSV file. Turns white paces into underscores for accessing the columns as exposed properties, i.e. df.prop_abc instead of df[‘prop abc’].


path – path to the CSV file


Pandas DataFrame with replaced chars in columns


noisy_nonlin_fcn(x: Union[Tensor, ndarray], f: float = 1.0, noise_std: float = 0.0) Union[Tensor, ndarray][source]

A 1-dim function (sinus superposed with polynomial), representing the black box function in Bayesian optimization

  • x – function argument

  • noise_std – scale of the additive noise sampled from a standard normal distribution

  • f – frequency of the sinus wave [Hz]


function value

rosenbrock(x: Union[Tensor, ndarray]) Union[Tensor, ndarray][source]

The Rosenbrock function (consistent with https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/optimize.html)


x – multi-dim column vector, or array thereof


value of the Rosenbrock function at the input point, or array thereof

skyline(dt: Union[int, float, ndarray], t_end: Union[int, float, ndarray], t_intvl_space: BoxSpace, val_space: BoxSpace) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Step function that randomly samples a value from the given range, and then holds this value for a time interval which is also randomly sampled given a range of time intervals. This procedure is repeated until the sequence is long enough, i.e. dt * t_end samples.

  • dt – time step size

  • t_end – final time

  • t_intvl_space – 1-dim BoxSpace determining the range of time intervals that can be sampled

  • val_space – 1-dim BoxSpace determining the range of values that can be sampled


array of time steps together with the associated array of values


color_validity(data: ndarray, valids: ndarray) list[source]

Color the entries of an data array red or green depending on the if the entries are valid.

  • data – ndarray containing the data to print

  • valids – ndarray containing boolian integer values deciding gor the color (1 –> green, 0 –> red)


list of stings

completion_context(msg: str, **kwargs)[source]

Context manager that prints a message, executes the code, and then prints a symbol on success or failure (when an exception is raised).

  • msg – message to print at the beginning, e.g. ‘Calibrating’

  • kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to print_cbt()

ensure_math_mode(inp: [<class 'str'>, typing.Sequence[str]]) [<class 'str'>, <class 'list'>][source]

Naive way to ensure that a sting is compatible with LaTeX math mode for printing.


inp – input string

Return s:

sting in math mode

input_timeout(prompt: str, t_timeout: [<class 'float'>, <class 'int'>] = 30, default: ~typing.Optional[str] = None) str[source]

Ask the user for an input and quit with a runtime error if no input was given

  • prompt – text to be printed before recording the input

  • t_timeout – time limit to enter an input

  • default – default output that is returned if the timeout was raised, pass None for no default


return the input as a string captured by the system

insert_newlines(string: str, every: int) str[source]

Inserts multiple line breaks.

  • string – input string to be broken into multiple lines

  • every – gap in number of characters between every line break


the input sting with line breaks

print_cbt(msg: str, color: str = '', bright: bool = False, tag: str = '', end='\n')[source]

Print a colored (and bright) message with a tag in the beginning.

  • msg – string to print

  • color – color to print in, default ‘’ is the IDE’s/system’s default

  • bright – flag if the message should be printed bright

  • tag – tag to be printed in brackets in front of the message

  • end – endline symbol forwarded to print()

print_cbt_once(msg: str, color: str = '', bright: bool = False, tag: str = '', end='\n')[source]

Wrapped version of print_cbt that only prints once.

select_query(items: ~typing.Sequence, max_display: int = 10, fallback: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Callable[[], ~pyrado.utils.input_output.T]] = None, item_formatter: ~typing.Callable[[~pyrado.utils.input_output.T], str] = <class 'str'>, header: str = 'Available options:', footer: str = 'Please enter the number of the option to use.') T[source]

Ask the user to select an item out of the given list.

  • items – items for the query

  • max_display – maximum number of items

  • fallback – callable to select select an experiment from a hint if the input is not a number

  • item_formatter – callable to select the parts of an Experiment instance which should be printed, by default str turns the complete Experiment instance into a string.

  • header – string to print above the query

  • footer – string to print above the query


interactive query for selecting an experiment


class UnitCubeProjector(bound_lo: Union[ndarray, Tensor], bound_up: Union[ndarray, Tensor])[source]

Bases: object

Project to a unit qube \([0, 1]^d\) and back using explicit bounds


  • bound_lo – lower bound

  • bound_up – upper bound

project_back(data: Union[ndarray, Tensor]) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Revert the previous normalization using the stored explicit bounds


data – input from the uni space


element of the original space

project_to(data: Union[ndarray, Tensor]) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Normalize every dimension individually using the stored explicit bounds and the L_1 norm.


data – input to project to the unit space


element of the unit cube

clamp_symm(inp: Tensor, up_lo: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Symmetrically clip the entries of a tensor by the entries of a tensor with only positive entries. One use case of this function is if you want to clip the parameter update by a ratio of the old parameters.

  • inp – input tensor

  • up_lo – upper and (negative of the) lower bound for each entry


clipped tensor

cosine_similarity(x: Tensor, y: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Compute the cosine similarity between two tensors $D_text{cos}(x,y) = frac{x^T y}{|x| cdot |y|}$.

  • x – input tensor

  • y – input tensor


cosine similarity value

cov(x: Tensor, data_along_rows: bool = False)[source]

Compute the covariance matrix given data.


Only real valued matrices are supported

  • x – matrix containing multiple observations of multiple variables

  • data_along_rows – if True the variables are stacked along the columns, else they are along the rows


covariance matrix given the data

explained_var(y_mdl: ~typing.Union[~numpy.ndarray, ~torch.Tensor], y_obs: ~typing.Union[~numpy.ndarray, ~torch.Tensor]) -> (<class 'numpy.ndarray'>, <class 'torch.Tensor'>)[source]

Calculate proportion of the variance “explained” by the model (see coefficient of determination R^2) .. note:: R^2 = 0.49 implies that 49% of the variability of the dependent variable has been accounted for.

  • y_mdl – predictions from the model

  • y_obs – observed data (ground truth)


proportion of the explained variance (i.e. R^2 value)

logmeanexp(x: Union[Tensor, ndarray], dim: int = 0) Union[Tensor, ndarray][source]

Numerically stable way to compute \(\log \left( \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \exp(x) \right)\)

  • x – input tensor

  • dim – dimension to compute the logmeanexp` along


natural logarithm of the mean of the exponentiated values

numerical_differentiation_coeffs(stencils: Union[list, ndarray], order: int, step_size: Union[int, float] = 1) Tuple[ndarray, int][source]

Compute the coefficients for discrete time numerical differentiation. These can later be convolved with the signal.

  • stencils – stencil points \(s\), negative means in the past, e.g. [-1, 0, 1] for a central difference or [-3, -1, 0] for a backward difference without equally space stencil points

  • order – order of the derivative \(d\), must be lower than the number of stencil points

  • step_size – step size \(h\)


coefficients for computing the derivative of order order and the \(O(h^{N-d})\)

rmse(x: Union[ndarray, Tensor], y: Union[ndarray, Tensor], dim: int = 0) Union[ndarray, Tensor][source]

Compute the root mean squared error between two inputs.

  • x – input data, e.g. output of a neural network

  • y – input data, e.g. target values for the output

  • dim – dimension to compute the RMSE along


soft_update(target: Tensor, source: Tensor, tau: float = 0.995)[source]

Moving average update, a.k.a. Polyak update.

  • target – PyTroch tensor with the next / target values

  • source – PyTroch module with the current / source values

  • tau – interpolation factor for averaging, between 0 and 1

soft_update_(target: Module, source: Module, tau: float = 0.995)[source]

Moving average update, a.k.a. Polyak update. Modifies the input argument target.

  • target – PyTroch module with parameters to be updated

  • source – PyTroch module with parameters to update to

  • tau – interpolation factor for averaging, between 0 and 1


class IndiNonlinLayer(in_features: int, nonlin: [Callable, Sequence[Callable]], bias: bool, weight: bool = True)[source]

Bases: Module

Layer add a bias to the input, multiplies the result with a scaling factor, and then applies the provided nonlinearity. If a list of nonlinearities is provided, every dimension will be processed separately. The scaling and the bias are learnable parameters.


  • in_features – size of each input sample

  • nonlin – nonlinearity

  • bias – if True, a learnable bias is subtracted, else no bias is used

  • weight – if True (default), the input is multiplied with a learnable scaling factor

extra_repr() str[source]

Set the extra representation of the module

To print customized extra information, you should re-implement this method in your own modules. Both single-line and multi-line strings are acceptable.

forward(inp: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
class MirrConv1d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=False, padding_mode='zeros')[source]

Bases: _ConvNd

Overriding Conv1d module implementation from PyTorch 1.4 to re-use parts of the convolution weights by mirroring the first half of the kernel (along the columns). This way we can save (close to) half of the parameters, under the assumption that we have a kernel that obeys this kind of symmetry. The biases are left unchanged.

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

bias: Optional[Tensor]
dilation: Tuple[int, ...]
forward(inp: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

groups: int
kernel_size: Tuple[int, ...]
out_channels: int
output_padding: Tuple[int, ...]
padding: Tuple[int, ...]
padding_mode: str
stride: Tuple[int, ...]
transposed: bool
weight: Tensor
class PositiveScaleLayer(in_features: int, init_weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: Module

Layer which scales (strictly positive) the input using a learnable scaling factor


  • in_features – size of each input sample

  • init_weight – initial scaling factor

extra_repr() str[source]

Set the extra representation of the module

To print customized extra information, you should re-implement this method in your own modules. Both single-line and multi-line strings are acceptable.

forward(inp: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
class ScaleLayer(in_features: int, init_weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: Module

Layer which scales the output of the input using a learnable scaling factor


  • in_features – size of each input sample

  • init_weight – initial scaling factor

extra_repr() str[source]

Set the extra representation of the module

To print customized extra information, you should re-implement this method in your own modules. Both single-line and multi-line strings are acceptable.

forward(inp: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool


class GSS(params, param_min: Tensor, param_max: Tensor)[source]

Bases: Optimizer

Golden Section Search optimizer

step(closure: Callable)[source]

Performs a single optimization step.


closure – a closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss


accumulated loss for all parameter groups after the parameter update


filter_los_by_lok(strs: list, keys: list) list[source]

Filter a list of strings by a list of keys strings.

  • strs – list of strings to filter

  • keys – keys-strings to filter by


list with unique elements of the input list which contain at least one of the keys

get_immediate_subdirs(parent_dir: str)[source]

Get all 1st level subdirectories of a specified directory (i.e. a path).


parent_dir – directory in which to look for subdirectories


list of names of all 1st level subdirectories

natural_sort(lst: list)[source]

Sort a list like a human would do. Normal list sort does 1, 10, 11, 2, 3. But this function yields 1, 2, 3, 10, 11.


lst – input list


alpha-numerically sorted list

remove_none_from_list(lst: list)[source]

Create a new list from the given one without None entries.


lst – list to remove the None entries from


list without None entries from


class cached_property(func)[source]

Bases: object

Decorator that turns a function into a cached property. When the property is first accessed, the function is called to compute the value. Later calls use the cached value.


Requires a __dict__ field, so it won’t work on named tuples.


load(name: str, load_dir: PathLike, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '', obj=None, verbose: bool = False)[source]

Load an object object using a prefix or suffix, depending on the meta information.

  • name – name of the object for loading including the file extension, e.g. ‘policy.pt’ for PyTorch modules like a Pyrado Policy instance

  • load_dir – directory to load from

  • prefix – prefix for altering the name, e.g. ‘iter_0_…’

  • suffix – suffix for altering the name, e.g. ‘…_ref’

  • obj – PyTorch module to load into, this can be None except for the case if you want to load and save the module’s state_dict

  • verbose – if True, print the path of what has been loaded

save(obj, name: str, save_dir: PathLike, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '', use_state_dict: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)[source]

Save an object object using a prefix or suffix, depending on the meta information.

  • obj – PyTorch or pickled object to save

  • name – name of the object for loading including the file extension, e.g. ‘policy.pt’ for PyTorch modules like a Pyrado Policy instance

  • save_dir – directory to save in

  • prefix – prefix for altering the name, e.g. ‘iter_0_…’

  • suffix – suffix for altering the name, e.g. ‘…_ref’

  • use_state_dict – if True save the state_dict, else save the entire module. This only has an effect if PyTorch modules (file_ext = ‘pt’) are saved.

  • verbose – if True, print the path where the object has been saved to


create_embedding(name: str, env_spec: EnvSpec, *args, **kwargs) Embedding[source]

Create an embedding to use with sbi.

  • name – identifier of the embedding

  • env_spec – environment specification

  • args – positional arguments forwarded to the embedding’s constructor

  • kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to the embedding’s constructor


embedding instance


deepcopy_or_clone(copy_from: CopyType) CopyType[source]

Unfortunately, deepcopy() only works for leave tensors right now. Thus, we need to iterate throught the input and clone the PyTorch tensors where possible.


copy_from – list or dict to copy


copy of the input where every tensor was cloned, and every other data type was deepcopied

insert_tensor_col(x: Tensor, idx: int, col: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Insert a column into a PyTorch tensor`.

  • x – original tensor

  • idx – column index where to insert the column

  • col – tensor to insert


tensor with new column at index idx

stack_tensor_dict_list(tensor_dict_list: list) dict[source]

Stack a list of dictionaries of {tensors or dict of tensors}.


tensor_dict_list – a list of dicts of {tensors or dict of tensors}.


a dict of {stacked tensors or dict of stacked tensors}

stack_tensor_list(tensor_list: list) Tensor[source]

Convenience function for stacking a list of tensors


tensor_list – list of tensors to stack (along a new dim)


tensor of at least 1-dim

Module contents

get_class_name(obj) str[source]

Get an arbitrary objects name.


obj – any object


name of the class of the given object


Wrapper to ensure that a function is only called once.


fcn – function that should only be called once


wrapped function