37 #include <Rcs_filters.h> 38 #include <MotionControlLayer.h> 47 class ObservationModel;
std::mutex controlPolicyMutex
Control policy mutex (mutable to allow using it from const functions)
RcsPyBot(PropertySource *propertySource)
MatNd * getAction() const
void syncGraphsToCurrent()
MatNd * q_ctrl
Temporary matrices.
ControlPolicy * getControlPolicy() const
ExperimentConfig * getConfig()
MatNd * getObservation() const
ControlPolicy * controlPolicy
Control policy.
Rcs::SecondOrderLPFND * homePoseFilt
Filter for going to the home pose.
ExperimentConfig * config
Experiment configuration.
virtual void updateControl()
void setControlPolicy(ControlPolicy *controlPolicy, const MatNd *q_des=nullptr)
DataLogger logger
Data logger.