A robot control and simulation library
Rcs Namespace Reference


class  ActionModel
class  ActionModelIK
class  AMDynamicalSystemActivation
class  AMIKControllerActivation
class  AMIKGeneric
class  AMIntegrate1stOrder
class  AMIntegrate2ndOrder
class  AMJointControl
class  AMJointControlAcceleration
class  AMJointControlPosition
class  AMNormalized
class  AMPlateAngPos
class  AMPlatePos5D
struct  BodyParamInfo
class  BoxSpace
class  BoxSpaceProvider
class  ComponentViewer
class  ControlPolicy
class  ControlPolicyRegistration
class  DataLogger
class  DSConst
class  DSLinear
class  DSMassSpringDamper
class  DSMassSpringDamperNonlinear
class  DSSecondOrder
class  DSSlice
class  DynamicalSystem
class  ECBallInTube
class  ECBallOnPlate
class  ECBoxLifting
class  ECBoxShelving
class  ECMiniGolf
class  ECMPblending
class  ECPlanar3Link
class  ECPlanarInsert
class  ECQuanserQube
class  EmptyPropertySource
class  ExperimentConfig
class  ExperimentConfigRegistration
class  ForceDisturber
class  InitStateSetter
class  ISSBallInTube
class  ISSBallOnPlate
class  ISSBoxLifting
class  ISSBoxShelving
class  ISSMiniGolf
class  ISSMPBlending
class  ISSPlanar3Link
class  ISSPlanarInsert
class  ISSQuanserQube
class  JointLimitException
class  LockedFTS
class  ObservationModel
class  OMBallPos
class  OMBodyStateAngular
class  OMBodyStateAngularPositions
class  OMBodyStateLinear
class  OMBodyStateLinearPositions
class  OMCollisionCost
class  OMCollisionCostPrediction
class  OMCombined
class  OMComputedVelocity
class  OMDynamicalSystemDiscrepancy
class  OMDynamicalSystemGoalDistance
class  OMForceTorque
class  OMJointState
class  OMJointStatePositions
class  OMManipulabilityIndex
class  OMNormalized
class  OMPartial
class  OMTask
class  OMTaskPositions
class  OMTaskSpaceDiscrepancy
class  PhysicsParameterDescriptor
class  PhysicsParameterManager
class  PhysicsSimulationComponent
class  PolicyComponent
class  PPDBodyOrientation
class  PPDBodyPosition
class  PPDBoxExtents
class  PPDCompound
class  PPDCubeExtents
class  PPDMassProperties
class  PPDMaterialProperties
class  PPDRodLength
class  PPDSingleVar
class  PPDSphereRadius
class  PropertySink
class  PropertySource
class  PropertySourceDict
class  PropertySourceXml
class  RcsPyBot
class  RcsSimEnv
class  SimpleControlPolicy
class  TorchPolicy
class  ViewerComponent


using IndexList = OMPartial::IndexList
template<typename M >
using MatNdMappable = typename std::conditional< M::IsRowMajor||M::IsVectorAtCompileTime, M, Eigen::Matrix< typename M::Scalar, M::RowsAtCompileTime, M::ColsAtCompileTime, Eigen::RowMajor > >::type


enum  TaskCombinationMethod { TaskCombinationMethod::Sum, TaskCombinationMethod::Mean, TaskCombinationMethod::SoftMax, TaskCombinationMethod::Product }
enum  IntMode { IntMode::ForwardEuler, IntMode::BackwardEuler, IntMode::SymplecticEuler }


void MatNd_fabsClipEleSelf (MatNd *self, double negUpperBound, double posLowerBound)
MatNd * MatNd_signs (const MatNd *src)
static bool getMatrixProperty (Eigen::MatrixXd &out, PropertySource *ps, const char *property, unsigned int expectedRows, unsigned int expectedCols)
static bool getVectorProperty (Eigen::VectorXd &out, PropertySource *ps, const char *property, unsigned int expectedSize)
 for (auto &name :actionSpace->getNames())
static void copy_prop_to_xml_attr (xmlNodePtr node, PropertySource *source, const char *name, const char *xmlName=nullptr)
RcsCollisionMdl * RcsCollisionModel_createFromConfig (RcsGraph *graph, PropertySource *config)
static bool defaultWrapJointAngle (RcsJoint *joint)
static IndexList loadIndexList (IndexList input, unsigned int dim, bool exclude, const char *category)
static IndexList loadMask (const std::vector< bool > &mask, unsigned int dim, bool exclude, const char *category)
template<typename T >
static void apply (T &partial, const T &full, const std::vector< unsigned int > &keptIndices)
void Vec33d_setZero (double v[3][3])
void Vec33d_add (double dst[3][3], const double v1[3][3], const double v2[3][3])
void setVortexLogLevel (const char *level)
static void initDefaultNames (std::vector< std::string > &out, unsigned int dim)
template<typename M >
MatNd viewEigen2MatNd (M &src)
template<typename M = Eigen::MatrixXd>
Eigen::Map< MatNdMappable< M > > viewMatNd2Eigen (MatNd *src)
template<typename M = Eigen::MatrixXd>
Eigen::Map< const MatNdMappable< M > > viewMatNd2Eigen (const MatNd *src)
template<typename M >
void copyMatNd2Eigen (M &dst, const MatNd *src)
template<typename M >
void copyEigen2MatNd (MatNd *dst, const M &src)
void intStep2ndOrder (MatNd *x, MatNd *xd, const MatNd *xdd, double dt, IntMode mode)
void intStep1stOrder (MatNd *x, const MatNd *xd_0, const MatNd *xd_T, double dt, IntMode mode)
template<typename ... Args>
std::string string_format (const std::string &format, Args ... args)
static std::string spaceJoinedString (py::handle iterable)
static xmlNodePtr dict2xml (const py::dict &data, xmlDocPtr doc, const char *nodeName)


const unsigned int PLATE_TASK_DIM = 6
static std::map< std::string, ControlPolicy::ControlPolicyCreateFunctionregistry
static ControlPolicyRegistration< TorchPolicyRegTorchPolicy ("torch")
static ExperimentConfigRegistration< ECBallInTubeRegBallInTube ("BallInTube")
static ExperimentConfigRegistration< ECBallOnPlateRegBallOnPlate ("BallOnPlate")
static ExperimentConfigRegistration< ECBoxLiftingRegBoxLifting ("BoxLifting")
static ExperimentConfigRegistration< ECBoxShelvingRegBoxShelving ("BoxShelving")
static ExperimentConfigRegistration< ECMiniGolfRegMiniGolf ("MiniGolf")
static ExperimentConfigRegistration< ECMPblendingRegMPBlending ("MPBlending")
static ExperimentConfigRegistration< ECPlanar3LinkRegPlanar3Link ("Planar3Link")
static ExperimentConfigRegistration< ECPlanarInsertRegPlanarInsert ("PlanarInsert")
static ExperimentConfigRegistration< ECQuanserQubeRegQuanserQube ("QuanserQube")
static std::map< std::string, ExperimentConfig::ExperimentConfigCreateFunctionregistry
static const char * extended_xml_material_props []

Detailed Description

Value freeRatio is the ratio of the joint's half range in which the joint limit gradient kicks in. For instance if freeRatio is 1, the whole joint range is without gradient. If freeRatio is 0, the gradient follows a quadratic cost over the whole range.

Value freeRange is the range starting from q0, where the gradient is 0. The value penaltyRange is the range where the gradient is not 0. Here is an illustration:

q_lowerLimit q_lowerRange q_0 q_upperRange q_upperLimit | | | | | | | | | | __________________/__________/____________/_______________/ a b c d

freeRatio: b/(a+b) c/(c+d) freeRange: b c penaltyRange: a d

cost = q in a: 0.5 * wJL * ((q-q_lowerRange)/a)^2 => c(limit) = 0.5*wJL q in b: 0 q in c: 0 q in d: 0.5 * wJL * ((q-q_upperRange)/d)^2 => c(limit) = 0.5*wJL

gradient = q in a: (q-q_lowerRange)*wJL/a^2 => grad(limit) = 0.5*wJL/a q in b: 0 q in c: 0 q in d: (q-q_upperRange)*wJL/a^2 => grad(limit) = 0.5*wJL/d

For the default case wJL=1 and freeRange=0, we get: dH_i = 0.5/halfRange and for symmetric joint centers, we get: dH_i = 1.0/range If we interpret it as a velocity, it's the inverse of the joint range.

Typedef Documentation

◆ IndexList

Definition at line 41 of file OMPartial.cpp.

◆ MatNdMappable

template<typename M >
using Rcs::MatNdMappable = typedef typename std::conditional< M::IsRowMajor || M::IsVectorAtCompileTime, M, Eigen::Matrix< typename M::Scalar, M::RowsAtCompileTime, M::ColsAtCompileTime, Eigen::RowMajor> >::type

Definition at line 74 of file eigen_matnd.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ IntMode

enum Rcs::IntMode

Integration mode.


Definition at line 42 of file integrator.h.

◆ TaskCombinationMethod

Combination method for tasks a.k.a. movement primitives Determines how the contribution of each task is scaled with its activation.


Definition at line 46 of file ActionModel.h.

Function Documentation

◆ apply()

template<typename T >
static void Rcs::apply ( T &  partial,
const T &  full,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  keptIndices 

Definition at line 182 of file OMPartial.cpp.

◆ copy_prop_to_xml_attr()

static void Rcs::copy_prop_to_xml_attr ( xmlNodePtr  node,
PropertySource source,
const char *  name,
const char *  xmlName = nullptr 

Definition at line 54 of file ExperimentConfig.cpp.

◆ copyEigen2MatNd()

template<typename M >
void Rcs::copyEigen2MatNd ( MatNd *  dst,
const M &  src 

Copy a matrix from Eigen to Rcs.

Template Parameters
Meigen matrix type
dstdestination rcs matrix
srcsource eigen matrix

Definition at line 132 of file eigen_matnd.h.

◆ copyMatNd2Eigen()

template<typename M >
void Rcs::copyMatNd2Eigen ( M &  dst,
const MatNd *  src 

Copy a matrix from Rcs to Eigen.

Template Parameters
Meigen matrix type
dstdestination eigen matrix
srcsource rcs matrix

Definition at line 120 of file eigen_matnd.h.

◆ defaultWrapJointAngle()

static bool Rcs::defaultWrapJointAngle ( RcsJoint *  joint)

Definition at line 48 of file OMJointState.cpp.

◆ dict2xml()

static xmlNodePtr Rcs::dict2xml ( const py::dict &  data,
xmlDocPtr  doc,
const char *  nodeName 

Definition at line 362 of file PropertySourceDict.cpp.

◆ for()

Rcs::for ( auto &name :actionSpace->  getNames())

Definition at line 85 of file DataLogger.cpp.

◆ getMatrixProperty()

static bool Rcs::getMatrixProperty ( Eigen::MatrixXd &  out,
PropertySource ps,
const char *  property,
unsigned int  expectedRows,
unsigned int  expectedCols 

Get an Eigen matrix value from a config entry.

Converts the config value to a MatNd, checks the dimensions, and copies the contents into the output reference.

[out]outstorage for read value.
[in]psProperty source to load from.
[in]propertyproperty name
[in]expectedRowsRequired row count.
[in]expectedColsRequired column count.
std::invalid_argumentif the matrix dimensions do not match.

Definition at line 56 of file DynamicalSystem.cpp.

◆ getVectorProperty()

static bool Rcs::getVectorProperty ( Eigen::VectorXd &  out,
PropertySource ps,
const char *  property,
unsigned int  expectedSize 

Get an Eigen vector value from a config entry.

Converts the config value to a MatNd, checks the dimensions, and copies the contents into the output reference.

[out]outstorage for read value.
[in]psProperty source to load from.
[in]propertyproperty name
[in]expectedSizeRequired element count.
std::invalid_argumentif the matrix dimensions do not match.

Definition at line 95 of file DynamicalSystem.cpp.

◆ initDefaultNames()

static void Rcs::initDefaultNames ( std::vector< std::string > &  out,
unsigned int  dim 

Definition at line 41 of file BoxSpace.cpp.

◆ intStep1stOrder()

void Rcs::intStep1stOrder ( MatNd *  x,
const MatNd *  xd_0,
const MatNd *  xd_T,
double  dt,
IntMode  mode 

First order integration function.

[in,out]xcurrent value matrix, updated with new value.
[in]xd_0first derivative matrix at current timestep to integrate. Used by ForwardEuler.
[in]xd_Tfirst derivative matrix at next timestep to integrate. Used by BackwardEuler.
dttimestep length in seconds
modeForwardEuler or BackwardEuler

Definition at line 65 of file integrator.cpp.

◆ intStep2ndOrder()

void Rcs::intStep2ndOrder ( MatNd *  x,
MatNd *  xd,
const MatNd *  xdd,
double  dt,
IntMode  mode 

Second order integration function.

[in,out]xcurrent value matrix, updated with new value.
[in,out]xdcurrent first derivative value matrix, updated with new value.
[in]xddsecond derivative matrix to integrate
dttimestep length in seconds
modeForwardEuler or SymplecticEuler

Definition at line 38 of file integrator.cpp.

◆ loadIndexList()

static IndexList Rcs::loadIndexList ( IndexList  input,
unsigned int  dim,
bool  exclude,
const char *  category 

Definition at line 44 of file OMPartial.cpp.

◆ loadMask()

static IndexList Rcs::loadMask ( const std::vector< bool > &  mask,
unsigned int  dim,
bool  exclude,
const char *  category 

Definition at line 73 of file OMPartial.cpp.

◆ MatNd_fabsClipEleSelf()

void Rcs::MatNd_fabsClipEleSelf ( MatNd *  self,
double  negUpperBound,
double  posLowerBound 

Definition at line 42 of file AMIKControllerActivation.cpp.

◆ MatNd_signs()

MatNd* Rcs::MatNd_signs ( const MatNd *  src)

Definition at line 58 of file AMIKControllerActivation.cpp.

◆ RcsCollisionModel_createFromConfig()

RcsCollisionMdl * Rcs::RcsCollisionModel_createFromConfig ( RcsGraph *  graph,
Rcs::PropertySource config 

Create a collision model using the settings from the given RcsPySim config.

graphgraph to observe
configcollision configuration
new collision model
std::invalid_argumentif the collision model could not be created.

Definition at line 67 of file ExperimentConfig.cpp.

◆ setVortexLogLevel()

void Rcs::setVortexLogLevel ( const char *  level)

Set Vortex' log level if vortex is installed.

Definition at line 80 of file vortex_log.cpp.

◆ spaceJoinedString()

static std::string Rcs::spaceJoinedString ( py::handle  iterable)

Definition at line 346 of file PropertySourceDict.cpp.

◆ string_format()

template<typename ... Args>
std::string Rcs::string_format ( const std::string &  format,
Args ...  args 

Definition at line 45 of file string_format.h.

◆ Vec33d_add()

void Rcs::Vec33d_add ( double  dst[3][3],
const double  v1[3][3],
const double  v2[3][3] 

Definition at line 52 of file PPDBodyOrientation.cpp.

◆ Vec33d_setZero()

void Rcs::Vec33d_setZero ( double  v[3][3])

Definition at line 43 of file PPDBodyOrientation.cpp.

◆ viewEigen2MatNd()

template<typename M >
MatNd Rcs::viewEigen2MatNd ( M &  src)

View an eigen matrix as Rcs MatNd.

Template Parameters
Meigen matrix type
srceigen matrix
MatNd struct referencing the data of src.

Definition at line 48 of file eigen_matnd.h.

◆ viewMatNd2Eigen() [1/2]

template<typename M = Eigen::MatrixXd>
Eigen::Map<MatNdMappable<M> > Rcs::viewMatNd2Eigen ( MatNd *  src)

Wrap a Rcs MatNd in a mutable Eigen Map object.

If M is column major, the resulting map will still wrap a row major matrix, since that is the storage order of MatNd.

Template Parameters
Mdesired eigen matrix type
srcrcs matrix
Eigen::Map referencing the data of src.

Definition at line 88 of file eigen_matnd.h.

◆ viewMatNd2Eigen() [2/2]

template<typename M = Eigen::MatrixXd>
Eigen::Map<const MatNdMappable<M> > Rcs::viewMatNd2Eigen ( const MatNd *  src)

Wrap a read-only Rcs MatNd in a const Eigen Map object.

If M is column major, the resulting map will still wrap a row major matrix, since that is the storage order of MatNd.

Template Parameters
Mdesired eigen matrix type
srcrcs matrix
Eigen::Map referencing the data of src.

Definition at line 106 of file eigen_matnd.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ extended_xml_material_props

const char* Rcs::extended_xml_material_props[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 40 of file PPDMaterialProperties.cpp.


const unsigned int Rcs::PLATE_TASK_DIM = 6

Definition at line 44 of file AMPlatePos5D.cpp.

◆ RegBallInTube

ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECBallInTube> Rcs::RegBallInTube("BallInTube")

◆ RegBallOnPlate

ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECBallOnPlate> Rcs::RegBallOnPlate("BallOnPlate")

◆ RegBoxLifting

ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECBoxLifting> Rcs::RegBoxLifting("BoxLifting")

◆ RegBoxShelving

ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECBoxShelving> Rcs::RegBoxShelving("BoxShelving")

◆ registry [1/2]

std::map<std::string, ControlPolicy::ControlPolicyCreateFunction> Rcs::registry

Definition at line 44 of file ControlPolicy.cpp.

◆ registry [2/2]

std::map<std::string, ExperimentConfig::ExperimentConfigCreateFunction> Rcs::registry

Definition at line 144 of file ExperimentConfig.cpp.

◆ RegMiniGolf

ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECMiniGolf> Rcs::RegMiniGolf("MiniGolf")

◆ RegMPBlending

ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECMPblending> Rcs::RegMPBlending("MPBlending")

◆ RegPlanar3Link

ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECPlanar3Link> Rcs::RegPlanar3Link("Planar3Link")

◆ RegPlanarInsert

ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECPlanarInsert> Rcs::RegPlanarInsert("PlanarInsert")

◆ RegQuanserQube

ExperimentConfigRegistration<ECQuanserQube> Rcs::RegQuanserQube("QuanserQube")

◆ RegTorchPolicy

ControlPolicyRegistration<TorchPolicy> Rcs::RegTorchPolicy("torch")